
Keyword research with Google Trends Simple and easy for beginner

Keyword research with Google Trends This article is actually a connection article from my previous article on how to search for popular keywords using Google Trends, because I think it's too long, so I created a new article that still Berkaiten closely with the article.

Here will be explained about keyword research with Google Trends and how to use Google Trends to get popular keywords, you need to know that Google Trends is more precisely used to find the most popular keywords, meaning the most searched keywords people in the Internet world, the parameters used Google Trends based on Google search engine search.

The difference between Google Trends and Google keyword planner

What's the difference between Google Trends and Google keyword Planner?, the difference between the two tools lies in its function, Google Trends is a tool to get information about the most popular keywords, lots of people searched and leaves, while Google Keyword Planner is a tool to analyze the number of searches on a particular keyword as well as the competitor level or competitor level of the keywords that we specify, if we see from the function, both are very related meaning Both of which we can use together to get the keywords that really have quality, so that the keyword is ready we paste as the title of the article that we will create.

Keyword research with Google Trends

To get the title of a quality article, you should not shoot origin, because in case the title of our article is firing directly, not necessarily the title is a popular title or the title is not necessarily the title of the most People are interested in nowadays, although not wrong when we take the title directly without going through keyword research it is legitimate, but the best way to get the most popular title is to do keyword research, wrong One is to use Google Trends tools.

To better understand how to do keyword research with Google Trends, we use the case example as follows:

For example I am a blogger who plans to create an article, a topic that will be used as our title for example is the topic of "How to ", we should observe, the topic of this way will be a lot of titles we can make a title, I could take the title "How To Register Google adsense "or " How to get dollars on the internet "or " How to create a Gmail account "and many other titles with the topic " How to ", but we do not know which title most interested people today, therefore we will use Google trends to find out. Well, let's start, please open the Google Trends Explorer page, we will get some group view information as follows:

#1. Search criteria

The search criteria is used to determine the search criteria for the most popular keywords

For the search criteria we set as the above image, try to note the Red color box that I have kasi normor:

1. Country selection, select Indonesia means we will find popular keywords for the Indonesian father, you can also try it for other countries,

2. Past 12 months, it means we will display the most popular keywords for the last 12 months or one year, you can also try to select the last 7 days, the last 1 month or a given year.

3. Internet & Telkom, this is a categorory option, meaning we will show the most popular keywords for the categorory, you can also try to choose another categorory.

4. Web Search, meaning that the keywords are displayed based on the popularity of Web search, of course if we choose a Web search in this case is the Google search engine, you can also try a different sort for this case,

5. Setings, you can change the language and download the search results of the most popular keywords through this menu.

6. Add Item, please press the button  "+ Add Item ", then in the field that appears we input the topic we want to get the information about its popularity, for this case we just input it with the word  "How to " as shown in the picture above then press Enter, until this stage Google Trends will display keyword information with its popularity level which is very closely related to the word  "How to " that we input.
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Actually we can insert another topic at this stage, for example we can input the word  "how " or Word  "computer " or any word according to what you think, which is clear, if the word is appropriate, then each related keywords With the word we input will be displayed one accompanied by the level of popularity. Please try.

#2. Regional Interest Information

Regional interest information shows the region that has the most searches using the keywords we input in step 6 above, try we can scroll down and we can observe about the reginal interest of the keyword  "How to " that we input such as the following image:

We can see in the picture above about regional interest or the area that has the most search for the topic do it is Papua.
#3. Information Related Searches
Related Search showcases the most popular keyword nformations that people are looking for and the keywords that are rising are related to the topics we input on the #1 to No. 6 above (the topic Word  "How to "), the information displayed Adjusted to the search criteria setting at the #1 stage. namely the country Indonesia, the last 12 months period, category Internet & Telkom and search tools is Google Web search.

Let's take a look at the image above, for related search, or search with the topic Word  "Indonesia" that we entered earlier, consisting of two groups as follows:

1. Top, are the most popular keywords, the value of 100 signifies that keyword has the highest popularity rate, to see other popular keywords related to Word with keywords on this Group Top, you can click right on the word The displayed key, as shown in the image above, there is the word  "How to create" with the highest popularity value (100). Just click on the word to get another popular keyword related to the word  "How to create", Google Trends will display the next popular keyword related to the word we click so Beyond.

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2. Rising, is information about the keywords that are rising, the rising level is usually measured by a percentage value, as we see above, if there is a word breakout means that the rising value is more than 5,000%, the value of rising is usually compared Values in the previous period. If the criteria of the period we choose 2014 then the value of rising will be compared to 2013, for the title of the article should we get the most popular keywords that have the highest percentage rate, or if there are only use keywords with Rising breakout value.

If until this stage you have gotten a popular keyword, the next step is to make that keyword for us to make the title of the article, to make the keyword a title of the article, there is actually one more step We must take, the stage is to do further research on the keyword using the Google keyword Pannel, the goal is to know the level of competitors or competitor levels of those keywords, if we find Intermediate competitor level, means that the keyword is ready to make a keyword for the title of the article, to better understand how you can read how to research keywords with Google keyword planner, because if I continue on this article Seems to be too long I worry you get bored quickly.

For the article this time about keyword research with Google Trends I have enough, please apologize if there is a shortage, hopefully useful.

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